TRAPMINE | Prevent Threats. Detect Unknown. Respond to Attacks.

  • TRAPMINE Releases Open Source Linux Code

    We’re proud to announce that Trapmine’s eBPF-based sensor for monitoring security relevant events on Linux system is now available as open source under the GPLv2 license at The sensor collects information from various sources

  • Mitigating the log4j Vulnerability with TRAPMINE

    A vulnerability in Apache Log4j, a widely used logging package for Java has been published on 10 December 2021. The vulnerability, which can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code by sending specially crafted log

  • How to Stream Zeek Logs to RabbitMQ in Real-Time

    To make threat detection and response as effective as possible, security analysts need the relevant data in real-time. Security teams deploy network monitoring tools to obtain the data from the network. One such tool is

  • Trapmine v3.5 in Action: Real-World Incident Response Case

    Today, one of our new resellers needed help to investigate an on-going issue in his customer as they could not find root-cause of the incident with a tradiitonal antivirus deployed in the company. They needed

  • Case Study: Post-Breach Detection (Process Injection & Espionage Campaign)

    One of the leading public transport companies in Turkey has decided to deploy and try TRAPMINE although they have a well-known AV/EDR solution. After deploying TRAPMINE and running some hunting queries, the customer called us

  • From 0 to Ring0day (Sıfırdan IOCTL Fuzzing ve Kernel Zafiyet Keşfi)

    Bu yazımızda kernel zafiyetlerinin IOCTL fuzzing ile nasıl bulunduğuna ufak bir giriş yapacağız. Makalenin .pdf versiyonunu indirmek için aşağıdaki butonu kullanabilirsiniz. Download the Article As .PDF Öncelikle IOCTL kavramanı kabaca açıklamak gerekirse, IOCTL için aslında